Friday, February 12, 2010

The latest embedded techniques in Afghanistan

As Mark Glaser,reports

The U.S. military has had an uneasy relationship with soldiers using blogs, video and photos to offer an unvarnished, uncensored view of war.

So a new initiative that they are launching will be closely watched.

30 days through Afghanistan hopes to do what it says on the tin

Its day 4 and it's Kabul

I’m all about eyeballs. There’s something truly beautiful about them. If you give me a good eyeball, I’ll stare at it for hours like it’s a sneak peek at the next big movie.
The beauty doesn’t stop on the surface, where the rich blues, browns and greens reside. The beauty continues below the surface and if you let yourself go, you will be carried on a journey into their owner’s soul.
I was taken on such a journey by two Afghan college students today. Their words were interesting and informative but they shared something deeper with me, and I felt honored.

It is is written by two Air Force sergeants who both have backgrounds in the media and besides blogging they will be using video,audio and images to tell the story.

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